Ocean Literacy
The sea affects us humans, and we affect the sea. Knowledge is required to make wise and sustainable decisions for the good of the sea. The Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment works to increase this knowledge through activities and projects that contribute to more "ocean literacy" at different levels of society.
The Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment's work on ocean literacy includes running a marine network for water education to increase the exchange of experiences and broaden the collaboration between all those working to disseminate knowledge about the sea to different target groups. The Institute also staffs a marine editorial team specialized in popular science communication about the sea. The result is the websites havet.nu, Livet i havet and the magazine Havsutsikt, which reaches a large audience of both researchers and schoolchildren. We also run the site Sveriges vattenmiljö, which presents results from environmental monitoring of our waters and gives the reader an up-to-date picture of the state of the environment.