Derelict Recreational Boats, Fishing Gear and Aquaculture
The purpose of this judicial inquiry is to provide a basis for the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management to go forward and make strategic decisions regarding marine litter, specifically lost fishing gear and abandoned recreational boats.
The judicial inquiry is expected to clarify which responsibilities lie with different actors to deal with derelict fishing gear and recreational boats. Legal obstacles or limitations to efficient handling shall be accounted for, and, if possible, ways to decrease the legal hurdles shall be proposed.
The judicial inquiry is also expected to support municipalities and other authorities in terms of which investigations are needed to act according to applicable law. Questions covered in the report include which legislation should be applied, what demands can be made, who to hold accountable and what types of measures should be avoided to stay within the legal framework.
Since the rules are different depending on where fishing gear or boats are found, an essential part of the assignment is to categorise and describe typical situations to facilitate the practical work of dealing with derelict fishing gear and recreational boats. Possible legal deficits on responsibility and possibilities to act shall be pointed out.
Havsmiljöinstitutets rapport nr 2024:4
Title: Derelict Recreational Boats, Fishing Gear and Aquaculture
Author: Kristjan Laas, University of Gothenburg
Published: May 24, 2024
Contact: Kristjan Laas
Recommended reference: Laas. K. (2024) Derelict Recreational Boats, Fishing Gear and Aquaculture. Report no 2024:4, Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment.